"The Mountains are Calling and I must Go." - John Muir

Meet your Guide
I grew up in the midwest but always had a love for the mountains. After college, my wife and I moved to Washington State. It was there that I finally got my chance to hike and climb in the mountains. I moved back to Michigan in 2007 when I started teaching science and physical education at Kalamazoo Christian High School and I've been bringing students from the midwest to the mountains ever since!
-Jeff Offringa (Guide and Founder of Upward Mountain Adventures)

B.A. in Physical Education
Master's degree in Education
First Aid/CPR Certified
Climbing/Hiking/Summiting Mountains for 20+ years
Leading student groups on trips since 2010
Additional Information
Married for over 20 years with 3 wonderful children
Summited 4 volcanoes
Climbed the Grand Teton and Devils Tower
Rock Climbing in the Red River Gorge for 15+ years
High School Cross Country and Track Coach